Tuesday, June 16, 2009

$500 challenge - update

Tom Thumb run on Sunday

Lucerne Butter - 1.99 used $1/1 catalina coupon
1 package of hamburger buns - .79 on sale w/ad coupon
3 organic peach yogurts - marked down to .25 ea
1 cantaloupe - .97 on sale

spent $3.50
saved: $8.04

$500 Challenge Totals:
food & eating out (includes HBA): $200.72 ($180.23savings)
- (eating out $53.36)
gas: $110.74
clothing: 24.69
coffee & beer making supplies: $52.05
household necessities (like air filters, etc)
- Derek allowance: $20.46
- Wendy allowance: $18.85
- Kids' allowance: $6.08
crafting supplies: $45.38
gifts: $12.88
Total spent: $491.85
Remaining: $8.15

So, still under the $500 - but now at $252.77 for groceries, eating out, and coffee. A little bit over my usual $250, however I usually don't include eating out in that total. We won't need any groceries before Friday, so that should be it. Movies on Thursday should wrap up the month.

I think I may try upping my budget to $300 a month and have that total include all groceries, eating out, bulk coffee purchases, and Derek's beer-making supplies. If I do that for a couple of months, I think I'll be able to work it down to $275 and hopefully, eventually, back down to $250. What do you think?

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